Dayvig (also known as flying pumpkin who shoots lasers out of its ass) 10 Turbo

if aretes a wolf their gameplan is pocketing min

if aretes V then they just V read min

conclusion is that min is >>rand V regardless of aretes alignment

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I think the last wolf is Litten

ngl I have a slight amount of kat tinfoil but if Chloe says she’s V I’m willing to trust that, Chloe can read her and I can’t

Arete not wolfy tbh

yes good we have the same brain coo

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the fact that arete and min are hard defending eachother gives me the jeepers creepers

okay so are you fine if i shoot you here then we yeet fk if youre v?


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ride or die

shoot me then lynch arete :’)


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I’ll be sad but that’s fine

actually do your plan your plan sounds cooler

Litten’s posting today has been really bad which is making me more confident in Litten W

my internet keeps blipping i really hate this

also when is day end

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:58 so in 10 minutes

ok fine i’ll shoot litten and we get arete if not gg

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does anyone have any more Areteposts they want translated into words

the puzzle shit

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min explained that one

oh did he

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It was big brain tbh