Dayvig (also known as flying pumpkin who shoots lasers out of its ass) 10 Turbo

that was me trying to say Min was solving even though they were under pressure

the puzzle came up when I Googled solving

min how much of you defending arete is bc they are defending you

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@katze @Arete @Chloe @min REMAIN

why is the villageriest person the dayvig >:(

/vote arete

You can’t kill me before I vote arete


chloe shot every single cat except me

I’d say a little bit tbh

Arete probably just has a really townie personality

I JUST DID BITCH :joy_cat:

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ok can i fuckin

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ok well we probably just lose here but I’m going to keep trying to solve I guess

given its F4

i think we should stop this

yeah just out

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chloe you’ve had the hat on too long

kat is the vig gamers

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i wear the pants in this relationship

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wait kat is the dayvig? thank fuck Chloe is the most blatant villager in the game

so … I guess I was just wrong on Min …

i dont wear clothes

I was not expecting that