Dayvig (also known as flying pumpkin who shoots lasers out of its ass) 10 Turbo

i considered dayvigging chloe instead of litten

also i didnt douse arete cuz i wanted kat to shoot them lolol

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why do y’all people do dayvig10s when exactly i cant

can i speak now

who was the dayvig?

I saw you typing lol :crab:


Not me


kat was dayvig and i called it within like 2 seconds

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finally mods have stopped bullying me

katze was

hi katze >:(


did you shoot me because i said i hadn’t survived past d2 in a turbo today?

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you made a post i thought was wolfy and i thought it’d be super funny regardless of alignment if i shot you D1

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this is the part of the day where i feel guilty about being a wolf

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why did the mods silence me

nothing said dead players cant talk

this is mod abuse

chloe is a bad character