Dayvig (also known as flying pumpkin who shoots lasers out of its ass) 10 Turbo

i talked
i’m superior

life is strange is a bad game

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absolute gaming

I’ve decided everyone wins besides GGhana for being a prick. Chloe and thunal win^2

do i win

bully :frowning:

screw you for not telling me about the VT thing

when i say everyone i mean everyone

that being said, no

but I’m not just talking about the game


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me and gorta will make our own turbo with blackjack and hookers


if thunal wasnt vigged d1 i think i lose bc i cant hide my tmi

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ill take that as a yes thanks
i finally won

Chloe, all you did was bus your teammate for towncred. That’s not to belittle your accomplishments, that’s me saying that you certainly can play wolf because it’s easy. Something, something, initiative to improve townplay.

poggers i win

marshal saw me type for like 2 minutes cause i wasnt sure if i wanted to vig my sister

too bad

fun fact

town loses more games when mafia is lynched D1 than they do when mafia isn’t lynched D1

W-what are you doing, stepvig?

if you vigged me i would have laughed my ass off

even if i were v

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stop bullying chloe

