Dayvig (also known as flying pumpkin who shoots lasers out of its ass) 10 Turbo

Photosynthesis is based


team player awards when

I know Iā€™m getting the scum team player award


itā€™s just frustrating and it could have been executed better

gimme water

what could I do

you spewed yourself villager while I was sorting things out

I cant just let that stay that way

also im not arguing any more becuase you should stop caring

was this the wolf post?

this gave me vibes of trying to post just to post as opposed to actually do anything

tbh in hindsight its probably NAI since youā€™re not used to the pace here probably but i shot pretty fast after reading it :joy_cat:

the shot was probably 75% ā€œitā€™d be funnyā€ now that i think of it, im sorry


what even is 2d6

Ghana called 2d3 2d6.

why is 2d3 or 2d6 relevant to me

I stole your setup.

Kyo didnt make that. Itā€™s just a standard setup

how do you know that

Cause I remember reviewing it