Dayvig (also known as flying pumpkin who shoots lasers out of its ass) 10 Turbo

cuz your partner died d1?

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Thatā€™s a hard question cause likeā€¦ Arete is posting in pictures, Sulit is dead, Chloe and Kat are just kinda there, you I guess I can trust since youā€™re like the first person to ever ask me anything and idk what min is doing.



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I hit max likes fuck

i soulread kat as a villager

they have pretty eyes

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no because the people I have played with I havenā€™t played with a while, and the other people I havenā€™t played at all, so this pretty much gut

intensify ur just kinda shutting down under pressure and thats kinda cringe ngl

end the day plis host

hey there delilah

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how pretty am I

intensify wolf tbh bur shutting down under pressure sadly isnā€™t ai for him tbh

i know but it makes solving him impossible

help i need a towncore but everyone is a wolf except for me and kat

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Ohh yeah I agree

Well i mean, I donā€™t really know what to do.

Thereā€™s nothing much I feel like I could do to save myself here really.

this post was not written by a villager

because it wasnā€™t written

Shutze fuck up