Decision regarding the use of the word “lynch”

i shouldn’t have to say when it’s obvious why somebody would be made very uncomfortable by the term

Wikipedia is not a dictionary.

this isn’t even about offense
it’s about whether people are fucking comfortable

if the wikipedia article for a word is about how that word was used to justify racist killings as righteous vigilantism, then it’s fucking raciallly charged

Somebody would get offended by suicide too

suicide guilt is a garbage mechanic that shouldn’t be used anyway

Yeah when does that relates to the point that we shouldn’t be censoring every mafia thing because someone might be offended by it

What did then

well, there was this guy called George Floyd

is he playing mafia

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this lynch discussion isn’t a new thing
it’s been going on for ages, on the ToS forums and elsewhere
all that’s changed is that the protests gave an impetus for people to change it

Lynching has negative connotations though. You cannot use it as justification - it is synonym for murder.

it didn’t back then, though, because back then it referred to righteous vigilantism. do you want to know where those negative connotations came from?

there’s no fucking reason to risk making members of the african american community or individuals with strong ties to that community feel uncomfortable for the sake of convenience.

police brutality against minorities is a severe problem in the U.S. It doesn’t fucking matter if it isn’t one in your country. We should try as hard as we can to prevent any groups from anywhere from feeling uncomfortable, especially when this is just a minor convenience issue which can easily be adapted into the new norm over time.

Back then is not now.

yes, mole, where did the negative connotations come from? oh yes, the fact that the word was used to describe the brutal racist killings of hundred of innocent black people!

But no one is getting uncomfortable

After the recent exposing of systemic police racism, they might. Or they might have been hiding it. Who knows.

In any case, the risk of the above as well as the risk of dissuasion of people from joining this community because of this issue, is not fucking acceptable.

You can’t previne everyone from getting uncomfortable. You would have to remove the flavors of suicide, serial killing, witches, vigilante and so on.

i can think of at least 5 threads on the ToS forums showing somebody uncomfortable about the term