Decision regarding the use of the word “lynch”


Watched this same discussion unfold in another community 5 years ago because of the “nigga” word

I would agree that’s racially charged though. At least tangently


I don’t really care if you think it’s needless change.
And tbh I didn’t think it is racially charged before this drama anyway… Sure, this is only american stuff.

But my job is to make community as welcoming for everyone as possible.
If some people can have problems with it, my job is to eliminate it.

So no, the decision is final.


Plus from as hosting side, all they ask for hosts is to not include it in op or class cards, which I or another member of the review team will be asking for from now on. Its a simple process and will be checked for anyway. And simple when you say someone died, you use execution or any other flavor of your choice. If you dont the mods will change it anyway. Even less work for ya. Like all this change is trying to do is make the community more open, sure u may not agree with all the reasons behind the change, but for most of ya you dont have to change at all. If your a host, you have to use the find and replace tool and boom its over. They arent even asking to change mylo or lylo as those are terms dedicated to mafia. Sure if someone asks what they mean prob say mis exe you lose. Even if it doesnt acronym right. Even then if ya dont its not punished. Like this change is simply trying to be a more open and allow as many people to enjoy the game as much as possible.

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That word is objectively worse since it’s a bastardization of a racial slur.


Aye. This is what I wanted - acknowledgement that it’s to not seen to be deaf as opposed to an actual issue.