Decision regarding the use of the word “lynch”

So hosts who say “lynch” are going to be punished instead, players aren’t?

That’s very weird lmao

Look, it’s nice to have a “don’t do X” warning, but a majority of people wouldn’t even think of “doing X” if they weren’t introduced to “X” in the first place.

“Hey. There is a time machine in New Mexico. Please don’t waste your money to go there because time travelling is bad.”

Like, it’s nice to hear the warning, but now there exists a bloody moron in this world who thinks that there is a time machine in New Mexico.

See where I’m getting at?


Moral of story: If it wasn’t a problem before, then don’t bring it up, because if you do, then you will become the cause of the problem.

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are you saying that people will now be more inclined to use the words because they’ve been asked not to?

This whole judgement over the word makes no sense tbh. We’re banning the Moderators + Hosts from saying it because someone may be racially offended by the usage of the word but players are allowed to say it completely defeats the purpose

It’s like everyone knows it’s not offensive in anyway but mods are just trying to appeal to people who have actually deceived themselves into thinking they’re racist if they oppose it or actually believe other people are being offended by this

Is there anyone that has actually arose the issue of this that’s offended that didn’t so blatantly use it as an excuse to get out of a losing game


I was never aware it had possibly racially offensive context prior to this incident and therefore could have never used it as a racial slur.


Hosts wont be punished. We are just going to change OPs that mention the word “lynch” - and ask hosts to swap the word with something else. If we see a host use it, we will edit it - because we understand its second nature for some people, and easy to slip up.

Hosts and Moderators should act as examples of our community. (Yes, Moderators moreso)

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FoL (the setup) is changing naming because it’s supposed to be the premium setup on the forum


This makes sense if you’re going to ban any official from it.
Hosts aren’t affiliated from the forum however

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I get it, I’m not opposed to the change. However I feel like you are only moderating hosts/moderators using the word “lynch” because of the fact that there would be more push back otherwise.


Like exactly this. I don’t want moderation to be influenced by a majority of people pushing for wrong judgement

I feel like hitting hosts with it is a bit against your stance


why is everyone super upset about not being able to use a word as a host, and being asked nicely to try not to do it as a player

srsly I don’t want to be toxic but… seriously get over yourselves

exactly this

it just annoys me a little

like, either make everyone have to abide by it or don’t make anyone

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I have a joke in one of my planned setups that’s specifically about the “lynch” wording

so I’m kind of cheesed by it

The people who have actually fallen for this need to get over themselves.
Nobody is actually offended by this word. I have yet to see someone geniunelly racially offended.

What’s the terminology ToL uses?

This is misrepresenting our stance here and that’s annoying. Please stop

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I mean… fair.

  • Bans for everyone
  • Moderate hosts (without bans)

0 voters

I will roll with the option you guys choose.

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