Decision regarding the use of the word “lynch”

I mean actually how many people are actually aware that lynch could be associated with “racism”?

Was that one-time incident or was it something to happened constantly? If former, then I have feeling you guys are too sensitive for little reason.

That being said, people probably will get used to it but still doesn’t seen right at least for me.



Also MU is a convergence point for a lot of communities and we have mostly been our little spot with very few changes

This has happened because someone abused the current real life state to get out of a losing game.

where’s my join smash option

Vulgard gave an example earlier. A player in a champs game on MU was offended by the use of the word. Just because you yourself have not been offended by this does not mean nobody has been.

Uhhh then couldn’t they just permaban him and call it a day?

also nobody has explicitly stated that they are offended, it may make some uncomfortable.

people can get mad about “PC culture” or whatever it is, but it’s not that difficult of a change and I think the benefits outweigh the drawbacks

this type of conversation never turns out good
it’s essentially ‘how far is too far’ and ‘do you think that the current political climate in regards to the fight against racism necessitates this change’


my position on it “why bother moderating it at all if you are only moderating it against hosts”

we can have this discussion later to see if we want to revert it

but for now I think it’s important to be aware of the very volatile situation that exists as of now

I don’t even think it’s overboard

are people scared of being overly careful in racially sensitive topics?

because games sort of represent community
otherwise we wouldn’t review games in the first place


Actaully wrong.

I suppose but still feels weird considering circumstances.

I think players represent the community much better then the hosts do.

I’m in favor since ToL uses execution so yawn

I’m trying to interpret mod decision
I might be wrong

He has literally used the word himself, get a grip

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