Decision regarding the use of the word “lynch”

Biggest annoyance with this situation is how breaking down the wall between real life and online can actually create controversy where there was none


The word lynch is not racially charged. You have to give it a context for it to be so. It’s just a word.

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Once people started saying that lynch is racist I started looking at 3~ different dictionaries and couldn’t find anything. But I suppose it doesn’t really matter if it’s potentially used as a racist word.

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That’s why this exists
That’s why this sucks to talk about

It’s just for one word


mob says it’s racially charged so it is now i suppose /shrug

it’s the way the internet works

altho (playing devils advocate here) that could also be the dictionaries trying to keep a neutral stance

Pretty sure Thingyman knows this is absolutely ridiculous considering they’re not imposing a site-wide ban.
It’s just moderation being pressured by virtue seekers at this point.

i searched wikipedia to see the history of the word,for%20a%20punishment%20without%20trial.&text=In%201782%2C%20Charles%20Lynch%20wrote,Dealing%20with%20the%20negroes%20%26c".

And the virtue seeking is empowered by the protests, not that they’re a bad thing
I compare this to looting tbh; an unfortunate result of a peaceful protest

I don’t think this situation will calm down until irl calms down
Even then, this has created an ugly opener for irl to seep into decisions for the future

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I don’t think it will be honorable in the future

I still remember awhile ago there was outcry and a politician was forced to apologise for using a phrase that was potentially ‘racist’. A meeting was in progress and bad news about a hospital or something was leaking to the press, and people were discussing how the press found out, and she said something like “You can’t stop the jungle drums”

That was exactly my thoughts after eevee made their post.
I think this all dies down once IRL stops happening.


This is a given as precedence enables action, especially at an administrative level

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Hopefully that doesn’t happen

Not being able to use lynch in the OP sounds a bit stupid
But if the other FM communities see this word as racist, I guess it throws an extremely, extremely bad light on us if we still use it


This is why I thought we’d be being pressured by other communities
By them giving into virtue seekers

But it’s a verb.

Nobody is screaming ‘Let’s lynch the N****r’

Let’s just accept it for now. The word isn’t banned, for the players nothing changes. For the hosts its a minor inconvenience


I’m happy with the action we’ve taken.
At this point I’m just venting why the other communities are wrong.

I’m willing to comply with this ‘request’ but it feels really dumb to me.