Decision regarding the use of the word “lynch”

After seeing countless discussions on other forums regarding the use of the word “lynch” in Forum Mafia, we have decided it’s best to make a public announcement on this topic.

All Moderators and Hosts will be replacing the word “lynch” with an alternative, and we strongly suggest that other players do the same. Our reasoning for this is that the word “lynch” has racial connotations that (understandably) make some players uncomfortable, and we want our community to be as welcoming as possible.

We will NOT be punishing players for continuing the use of this word in the context of Forum Mafia.

Our recommended replacements are:

  • Cuddle
  • Execute (shortened = exe)
  • Eliminate (shortened = elim)
  • Kill
  • Exile
  • Banish

Some community favorites are:

  • Jettison
  • Yeet
  • Cuddle

Moderators favorite:

  • Cuddle

We ask that you take this into consideration while playing on our forums, and be understanding of the decision we have made. Replacement words can be suggested below. Go bonkers - but stay within the Global Rules!

i42 forum Moderation Team



already made the switch to execute

it’s not that hard

Still gonna use the acronyms like LyLo

that’s my personal policy

Cuddle or lose


@eevee can you cuddle me

/vote Katze

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Whoever wrote this is pretty cool

Also i vote for cuddle

So we’re just making people aware that it’s a potentially racist word

i vote for cuddle only if its used on me

otherwise my vote is for yeet

I think it’s more of a formal request for the community to move away from the word

yeet and cuddle for when i’m feeling like a gamer, execute for when i’m not.

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And we suggest that people switch to an alternative to make players feel more comfortable

But it will not be enforced

Jettison is a valid replacement
(Though in all seriousness, execute or eliminate are what i will use)

listen i’m fine with cuddle as long as it’s not targeting me

Can we have another option like the gender pronoun where people can put if they’d be comfortable with the lynch being said towards them

the duality of man


that’s needlessly complicated

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I got a new one, Ripped In Half. That only happens in like comics and movies

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I prefer ‘bench’ personally

Real talk
I’m probably just going to use execute if it gets that bad

I’m still defaulting to lynch
Jettison when I feel like it and when someone mentions they’re offended by ‘lynch’

Reminder that this is in the context of Forum Mafia. Using the term “lynch” as a real threat, or in an act of racism will NOT be tolerated.

Racism is still against the rules