The Spider
Neutral Killer
Passive (Alexa) - Immune to Death at Night. Your abilities do not count as visiting.
Passive (This is) - If you are prevented from killing a player or the player doesn’t die , get an extra use of Despacito.Day Ability (So) - Target player can not visit you tonight.(3 Uses)
Day Ability (Sad) - Target player will visit your target tonight instead of you. They will be prevented from doing their night action.(2 Uses - Usable D1)Night Ability (Play) - Kill a player.(Infinite Uses)
Night Ability (Despacito) - Kill a player. You will be guaranteed to kill them.(0 Uses)
Goal:ecome a meme.
Goal: Kill all of those who would oppose you.
The best picture the world has ever seen:
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get out
no u lel
Fine for the class mechanics
So how does So work mechanically? If someone tries to visit you they get an occ/prevented message?
Doesn’t seem to bad actually. Just make him immune to poison/bleeding and you’re good to go
Thank you kind sir
He has to be
-Poison/Bleed immune
-Vote immune
-Fool immune
-Unlimited Despacito’s
-Kill all visitors
-Kill Prince no matter what
-BD will always think it’s Evil King even if they save people with safeguard
Then this will be the best class to exist
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