DGADT FM - Dead chat

This rant was once again brought to you by a salty mafia killed by NK

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When mafia win it’s kinda like damn we got outplayed, we shoulda been able to figure that one out (Fire emblem comes to mind where it was a shame we lost but mafia played well and ending was nailbiting).

When random NK wins with a ton of info from d0 and no interactions to worry about it’s kinda just like…cool…I…guess?

And NKs have won like 50% of games they appear in since January I swear.

What I’m saying is either forceroll the game so I get NK or delet

NK is better if its presence is known.

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Hidden NK is horrible. You have no way to figure out if there are groupscum still in the game or not. You don’t know if you should be hunting for TMI or not. It usually comes down to mech or dumb luck.

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Yeah that’s the other thing. I dont mind too much but every game guessing if NK exists is hardly novel at this point and it helps them too much.

this game features 3 Dreaming Gods
it was always going to be a lolfest

to be fair as soon as the NK in this setup actually gets KP 2 townies will know about it

probably should have just announced it but a few people basically know that NK exists rn

You know that groupscum exist, you can fairly assume its numbers are ~X, and you know that lost wolves may exist.

With NK, there’s literally no way you can assume they exist unless you’ve killed several mafia KP and there’s still more than 1 wolf KP. Stuff like that.

It’s tough.

By the time you find out, it tends to be too late.

broke: nks are bad
woke: nks are bad except if everybody is one and we’re actually playing EIMM, strap in fuckers

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I don’t mind 3p in closed setups, but I think it should be possible to figure out they exist before they kill you all.

pretty sure Dreaming God and RMH know that there’s an NK by now

part of the reason I added Nk was because we needed consistent KP without ITAs (which I didn’t really think fit in the setup)
And I don’t think this one in particular is too hard to find or that OP either, and can be solved socially because SKsons

and as soon as it becomes a threat it is softconfirmed to exist to a few people

Yeah, I don’t think this one is the worst it could’ve been.

I like NK partner tbf. My most fun game was when I was NK partner in community FM (first one)

btw there is also no f4 wincon or anything

it’s just the NK has to be last alive and they have no votepower or shit

the SKsons is the substittue for that, and it’s really easy for one of them to die

Then again that wasnt fun for anyone else cuz I got towncored d1 via maf ita and then fucked town over so that kinda proves my point that nk is only fun for nk

if they play perfectly they can make it to the end but I don’t think they are mech hidden, OP, or entirely unexpected.

And people aren’t towncoring the SKsons, they are the 2 biggest PoE slots there is.

What’s their flavor?