DGADT FM - Dead chat

In my fm I remember I had Achilles who was immune to death in anyway but if he had any votes on him at all at the end of the day he committed suicide lol.

Much balance.


I’m perfectly okay with Helios and Apollo being combined, but can we please not combine demiromantic icon Artemis with creepy-ass Selene?

Biggest crime of this setup is not including hippolytus like wtf

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I made it a fakeclaim because I was 90% sure you’d clear whoever claimed it.

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I’d have interrogated them on flavor all game lolz

Maybe just maybe one day people will stop clearing people 100% of that stuff

Clearing ppl off obvious interactions which arent SvS shouldn’t be discouraged lmao

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“Dont use dead mafia interactions to make reads” is what u saying which is silly lol.

Having nks discourages this and encourages more mech stuff tbh

But also am salty boy

I think people will think someone is scummy and go but lolinterstactions and ignore them

Iv seem mafia cleared for it before and people were like hmmm their scummy but like

Interactions so locktown

True ppl do rely on interactions too much tbh

Tonal reading is p rarely done I never see any decent isos based on tone and content not just dumb interactions

I think especially late game you shouldn’t rely on interactions as much

My reads are mostly tone I’m pretty sure

Idk, looking at group scum interactions finds them p easily imo

As a townread*

Like if someone is towncore and you can’t think of a reason other than interactions

I would re-reeval the slot imo

Like this game I rando voted sulit eod d1 but didnt rlly push him at all.

Looking at that it shld be pretty scum indicative for sulit tbh

Tonal reads p cool tho

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