DGADT FM - Dead chat

All my reads are tonal and then i never follow through on them cuz of dumb mech stuff lol

Next game imma play it like vanilla and ignore all mech and see what happen

All my reads are mostly tonal and I have a bad habit of following them too hard

I never follow through on them its super bad

I scumread alice the entire time in community fm but I never pulled the trigger

hippo you think you’re pissed
i literally gamesolved and subbed out before I could follow through

leafia/apprentice w/w, alice nk solved that game and I was a hair’s breadth away from pushing that as the solve

I pushed Alice

Then I was dead

Wed only had like 1 night kill so I didnt think NK

I did that this game and found 3 wolves.

I’m bad at reading interactions, so I typically don’t do it much. You can stage a lot as scum. The more subtle interactions can be more telling.

Also when ppl ignore ur questions follow up on them cuz they usually do it on purpose. I remember I asked Alice like 3 times why she said “I’m not mafia” instead of “I’m town” in lie detector and she kept ignoring it so I got bored and forgot about it.

This game someone d1 asked me why am I voting sulit with 0 traction, and that if I scumread light too I should just vote them instead, and I just straight up blanked them cuz I didnt wanna vote light but had no reason not to.

Yeah, I agree. Pressure is good. Repeating pointed questions is good. Can catch a wolf frozen.

I say as someone who has barely pressured anyone all game.

daily sulit thoughts




oh we almost have solve in dg chat

we have app wazza to kill

sulit is last titan right

think we win tbe just has to have a fierce will

yes please
you two were both hyper obvious town and should be proud


i had all the scum players as a sr at one point but never pushed any fml

wait sulit just claimed wazza is neutral

lmaoooo this is wild