DGADT FM - Dead chat



Accused Voters Votes
PokemonKidRyan Estel, ModeShifter, Intensify, Appelsiini, Centuries, Apprentice 6/13
ModeShifter PKR, an_gorta_pratai, clonedcheese, ash4fun 4/13
Italy EVO, TheBlueElixir, Mist1422, Wazza 4/13
Mist1422 Crichard564, KyoDaz 2/13
Appelsiini sulit 1/13
Intensify MaximusPrime 1/13
sulit Hippoyeetus 1/13
Not Voting Italy, TornadoXVulgard, BluestormLeafia, oB_L1ght, TrustworthyLiberal 5


Accused Voters No. of Votes
MaximusPrime Crichard564, Intensify, Centuries, ModeShifter, Apprentice, EVO, TheBlueElixir, KyoDaz 8/11
ModeShifter clonedcheese, oB_L1ght, Italy, Wazza 4/11
Appelsini Estel, ash4fun 2/11
ash4fun Vulgard, sulit 2/11
Centuries MaximusPrime 1/11
Not Voting Appelsiini, Leafia, TrustworthyLiberal 3

Unofficial VC (as of vote-post #98):

Accused Voters No. of Votes
Italy Wazza, Centuries, Apprentice, Vulgard, CRichard564, sulit 6/8
Leafia TrustworthyLiberal, Intensify, oB_L1ght, ModeShifter 4/8
ob_L1ght TheBlueElixir 1/8
TrustworthyLiberal Leafia 1/8
Not Voting EVO, Italy, KyoDaz 3

Is there conversion?

Don’t think so. With 6 starting groupscum, it would be quite hard for town.

If you listen closely, you can faintly hear Vul screeching somewhere in the distance

I can’t believe we saw town leafia for once

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holy fuck

I can remove people from this message

Wait what. Is that a standard feature now

idk it’s just a cool thing

So u can remove me? That’s hella useful. No more needing mods to remove people from dms

furiously takes notes for future bastard games

It appears to only be on PMs that i’ve made

either way

hecca useful

note-taking becomes very furious
who could resist the hillarity of removing somebody from their own rolecard

I am really curious how two Titans died overnight

Like I know we have an NK, but they mostly haven’t even been killing, so


I regret having one of these exist


it does

1 Like

all 3 deaths were the NK’s fault