DGADT FM - Dead chat

No, I vanillised TheBlueElixir
I intended to use my vanillise as a Dreaming God cop

I was a really dumb kill

like apparently I was killed for being a potential DG?? but I was literally outed as non-DG (in a context where it was unlikely I was fakeclaiming)???

No, you were killed because of your reads
Which I told them (I think) that your reads would be backread because it’s been happening a lot lately

imagine backreading

town literally hasn’t managed to figure out my N1 action despite trying

basically the only one doing NK was CRich, funnily enough

I was absolutely certain that Elixir was Dreaming God with Appel as Right Hand Man
So I wanted Elixir factionaled

@Hippolytus I am so mad you died early
Our team lacked presence
A lot

so why did I get n1’d

because I decided to not care anymore
if you couldn’t tell

oh wait you
I can’t remember

At least now people will stop calling me scum just because I’m agreeable.

Once again it’s proven that you can’t rely on mech clears when somebody who’s “mech cleared” is still wolfy.
Like, ekhm, Oblight. I think I said this one verbatim.

“Scum!Kyo claiming a difference check between two of his buddies would be a big brain move.”

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And why is he wolfy? Read his ISO and find out. This guy is just fluffing despite being in thread frequently. He feels the pressure to post, but not to solve, and it’s painfully obvious.

Italy at least claimed… although I’m not sure what he’s doing, either. He finally randed town and instead of trying to do something, he’s coasting as usual – when I know he can do better than this.

This looks like a scum win, unfortunately. I’ve tried to organize a towncore, but instead of trying to get themselves out of my PoE, people ended up going after one another. :frowning:
Not that I’m without blame, I could’ve done much more, but yeah.

Yay NKs make games more fun xDDDD

This post is brought to you by the salty mafia killed by NK gang

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All “mech clears” I questioned this game were indeed scum.
I’m lowkey proud of that.

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You should be. You did a good job this game.

what a tense and exciting EoD

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there’s still 24 hours nerd


I really like Intensify

like they’re new but they care a lot and try a lot and honestly their thought processes are mostly fairly decent?