DGADT FM - Dead chat

There is no dead interaction… for you anyways.

How lovely…
Ah, I felt no stress in the game because I finally wasn’t scum.
But I died as I felt no stress and therefore didn’t actively stay online. RIP.

I will address some things this game should dead join this chat and I not be ressed or something.

This is my second town game and has come after like three or four scum games. As a result, I felt relaxed. I did not want to stress out, I did not want to fight and I wanted my game to feel natural, not as try-hardy as it might have as scum… therefore I tried to force meta to be different to my scum game but perhaps a bit too much since it ended up getting me killed. Do I regret this though? No, not at all. FM has been very stressful and I have mentally broken down in some games, therefore to have a game like this, I do not regret a single thing.

I truthfully believe Wazza is town and Mode is scum. This was not a lie or a joke and I am sure town hopefully will reevaluate.

My Jester comment was simply to say that we cannot dismiss any possibility on anyone. I could have been a jester. I said this because I was voted and unvoted by 3 different people despite still in the end being at 1 vote on the VC, making me want to avoid people voting me so that I could get info and at least prove my claim to be truthful, probably catch scum out too. I wanted to avoid claiming so I could relax and not get had a go at. It seems that backfired as someone has said it was not a good look for a post and that “no town would do that”. Well, surprise surprise, people get me wrong… as usual.

dude do you seriously think I’d be associated with this game if there was a jester in it


also, do you think this game would’ve passed review if there was an unnanounced jester in the game

sorry, I’m being too harsh, but people look unkindly upon jester comments for a reason

unfortunately, PKR, everyone but you was a jester

I did not think there was a jester. I said it as a comment so that everyone would consider every possibility. It did not work, as I said.

considering jesters is a bad idea because nobody puts them into games anymore for good reason

Anyway, I finally did not have a mental breakdown from a game, so I take that as a win.
But it is at the cost of dying and now I know there is no resurrection either because it was revealed there are no jesters… which albeit a trifling speck of knowledge which was likely in the first place… it is information none the less and therefore would not be given out with a retri in game.

The thing I am most upset about is I love Mythology so this flavour was absolutely my jam. Yet now I am unable to participate in it.

If there is no sort of dead interaction including resurrection, I think I may leave.

also because OP of deadchat says that there no dead interaction

well, kind of there is, but there’s nothing that you specifically can do right now.

Eh, well then. I will peace out.
I think it is better because then I avoid any potential stress and anger from others who die.
If there is some sort of important thing for dead to do or I get ressed then ya know where to find me.

New host chat

since there’s no dead interaction

did scum kill me or did a vig

You were killed by scum

wait really

were my reads actually that good when I saw I died I thought it was a vig

Not going to comment further

may reveal in chunks

but yes, you were killed my titans