DGADT FM - Voting Thread

/Vote Suilt

/Vote Suilt

/vote Sulit

Everyone stop talking, the day is over

and i was playing minecraf now i have to stop


End of day Votecount

Accused Voters No. of Votes
Wazza sulit 1/5
sulit Wazza, Zone_Q11, ModeShifter, TrustworthyLiberal, Intensify 5/5
Apprentice TheBlueElixir 1/5
Not Voting Italy, Apprentice 2
1 Like

/vote Apprentice

/vote Wazza

/vote Zone

Accused Voters No. of Votes
Wazza Zone_Q11 1/4
Zone_Q11 Wazza 1/4
Not Voting Apprentice, Intensify, ModeShifter, TrustworthyLiberal 4

/Vote TWL

/Vote Wazza

Accused Voters No. of Votes
Wazza Zone_Q11, ModeShifter 2/4
Zone_Q11 Wazza 1/4
Not Voting Apprentice, Intensify, TrustworthyLiberal 3

/vote TWL


/Vote Intensify

Accused Voters No. of Votes
Wazza Zone_Q11 1/4
Intensify ModeShifter 1/4
Not Voting Apprentice, Intensify, TrustworthyLiberal, Wazza 4

/vote Wazza


/vote TWL

/vote TWL