Discussion: 3 of the same claim doesn't make them more suspicious

yeah but what about when there’s 3 hunter claims?

cause maid


Cuz math and statistics
Its a bit complicated

3 princes

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Why is it more likely that they contain a wolf?

but the fact that there are two other Sheriff claims does change the wolf likelihood of the third Sheriff, since at least one is guaranteed

How can you know the 3rd sheriff wasn’t the game’s guaranteed sheriff?

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sherrif itself is a little different but the main point still stands

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this logic could still be used in “2 sherrif claims and a dead sherrif exe exe exe”

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They might have been, but if there’s only one you can be almost certain that they’re legitimate

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it shouldn’t be that complicated unless the rand is intentionally skewed to prevent a 3rd of a class from spawning

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Maid is an extremely common fake claim.
Its never wrong to exe them. Especially with 3 people claiming Maid and taking the most sus of them.

exing maids is fine

but exeing a maid on the basis that there are 2 others is fallacious

the claims of 2 other people should not effect the viability of a 3rd person

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We aren’t talking about just one, we’re talking about your argument that if 2 claims have been made, then the 3rd one is more likely to be false.

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Is the third Maid legit, a guide that will do significantly better than rand:

‘WTF 2 and 6 both claim Maid I am also Maid exe one of them’ - probably BD

2 claims Maid
6 claims Maid
third Maid says nothing about this until upped for claim - probably evil


Nah, I claim maid D0 as any and all classes.

And post logs daily, especially as King

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If two Sheriffs have claimed, the third one is more likely to be evil than the world where all claims are out and only one Sheriff has claimed

This is a logical fallacy. Exing for the wrong reasons doesnt invalidate the exe.

Counterpoint: They didn’t want to claim because the scum would’ve then known all of their hardcounters and would’ve paraded to kill them.

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there can be other reasons

but it is fallacious to push someone based off of a fallacy

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