Discussion: 3 of the same claim doesn't make them more suspicious

im not following your logic on this one

you want to exe evils but do not care about using solid reasoning and instead will use whatever reasoning comes to mind, whether it is a correct line of reasoning or not?

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if you don’t correctly scumhunt you are less likely to lynch scum period

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I will use whatever reasoning worked best in my past 3000 games. Yes.

see this is why playing Prince is great

I can just exe all the obvious evils myself, and all the protectives will sit on me so I don’t get SPK’d

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ok the conversation has shifted from “is 3 of the same being a reason for exing fallacious” and it has been concluded as so.

to “is it bad to use fallacious reasoning”


Just cuz your reasoning is bad, doesnt turn your target player into BD

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even a not so smart player will be killed for being prince

saying that fallacious reasoning is bad simply for being fallacious is a fallacy of it’s own though

yeah but saying fallacious reasoning isn’t good is… common sense

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It works therefore its a good reason

But see protectives understand that protecting the Prince = good

It doesn’t always work.

does it tho?

i wish we had stats for how often a group of 3 maids/sherrifs/chronoes/physes spawned.

much rarer than 3 chronos/physicians/sheriffs

You are wrong here
We dont push on ALL 3spawners
Just on the suspicious claims.

yes but pushing them because 2 other independant people claimed that class is fallacious

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just because A and B claimed maid does not change the likelyhood of C being maid or not

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and so you can push C for being suspicious

but not for being 3rd maid

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Ok to put it in maths:
The odds that a specific 3claim Maid is evil arent higher
But the odds that ONE OF THEM is evil are much higher

how much higher is 3 chrono claims being evil vs 2 chrono claims and a phys claim

Healers are independent from each other