DNP for Tubos list

Or if you DM a player on accident then it is still a violation

So what you are saying is a forum mod can edit your post to ping someone on this! I demand this be fixed

Iā€™ve updated this, no one change this.

And edited post will not actually ping. At least not on discord anyways. They might be able to frame you however.

And even if it did it would be the mod that preformed the Ping and not you.

Mods can also silently edit here, so they can frame a person.

@Emilia please stop changing the list, itā€™s getting annoying.

Also Iā€™ll like a legal definition of a ping right now

Wazza you also are not a good lawyer

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An action you preform that causes a chosen person to receive a notification

If you donā€™t chose who gets the notification then it isnā€™t a ping
If you donā€™t preform the action (in the case of a mod) then you didnā€™t ping them. Someone else did.
If it gives more than one person a notification then it is still a ping so long as you chose which people.

However no one can prove that the mod Didnā€™t do it due to silent edits. Therefore This rule can be broken really easily. As well, where did I verbally agree to this

In an unrecorded VC obviously

Therefore not legally binding

Nope. Unless the contract is for more than a year it does not have to be written to be legally binding

Thereā€™s no evidence of it happening though.

Psh. Naaaa

This is your second warning

This list doesnā€™t have to be lawyered, nor does it need a ā€˜you did a badā€™ list.


I didnā€™t make the ā€œYou did a badā€ list. I just changed it because it was unfair to the people who were on there being insulted for it.


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The only people complaining are the ones on the list :thinking: