DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

the cameras probably is just a way of explaining in terms of lore why the mastermind doesn’t know who the blackened is

Okay, one more time.

If you wanted to murder Dat having a dart… how would you do it?

Especially if we assume that Dat had the sword.

(I would stab dat with the dart assuming i don’t have poision over the heart pushing it as deep in as possible while covering their mouth either with a rag cloths what ever have you.)

Stab… in the leg?

(Get a better murder weapon)

(In the leg you could try to bleed them out by cutting the leg vital artery)

(I know. It sounds weird to just throw at Dat with only dart UNLESS Dat gave killer theirs sword, and hence killer knew Dat is harmless)

You kinda miss the point.
Imo dart, if anything, was shot.

Stabbing someone with Dart into the leg, when other person has sword is… just wrong.

((You asked me how i would use it if i had a dart vs litteraly anyone i don’t take the fight.)

(Anyway, I think I’m gonna go build myself a happy little house in minecraft and pretend this game doesn’t exist for a lil bit)

(Do we have any implication that dart was shot, not just stabbed?)

(Dart’s arn’t really my thing i was the one focused on the sword and found stuff on that part,)

Yeah, I’m trying to think whole process through again.

((Am gonna leave you to that am gonna sleep if you want specfically a question to me anwsered just ping me and i’ll anwser them all in a post when i wake up Or if i don’t fall asleep yet and i see it)

(I really can’t see the dart being useful for literally… anything. At most it’d be a mild irritant. When Tro wakes back up we can ask him if there was anything special about it, I guess.)

It could have been launched to stop him from running away as quickly. Yeah.
But there would have been a trail of blood wherever he ran from.

… it would make sense if he was stabbed first and then pushed down and shot to confirm he is gonna die.

But like… lol.

Not in the leg.

It’s hard to aim from distance.
Either way…

I assume that if you get shot, you don’t randomly give sword to person which shot you.