DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]



i’ll probably write a summary about the evidence this trial but it doesn’t really matter anyway because even if we don’t think it’s datbird there is no evidence leading to anyone else, so if it isn’t him then we missed something and lose fair and square

((now I’ve just shot all my murder chances because you guys won’t just allow me to have your tongues and if there’s a body missing one it will super obviously point to me

(Night there’s like seven 'what the fuck’s with what you just said)

((it would have been so good for murder that I’m kind of sad that I don’t get to

it would have been great if you actually did do a murder like this and then it got revealed that the seemingly innocent and shy girl was actually this psycho

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((You make it seem like you can’t kill now when it’s only chapter 2?)

Do you think I’d let you have my tongue if you hadn’t claimed?

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((I can kill, just not using my ult because it’d be found out immediately

((also I’m not a psycho, I had actual in-character reasons for wanting to commit murder
((and then legitimate in-character reasons for claiming ult to marl
((she’s kind of impulsive

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Alright everyone give Night your tongue and have Trochi heal you


((I was actually going to cut out my own tongue for some time
((that would have made an easier in-character part of the class trial tbh tbh

((so like
((I’m true to my RP
((but the wasted potential with a super cool ult is sort of sad

why did you out this to us again
couldn’t you have just kidnapped us and taken our tongues

((That’s fair enough kinda want this trial to finish that way I can go back to RPing again.)

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((1. to get myself the lore clear 2. because I already outed it to marl in daily life

((also wtf how would kidnapping someone and taking their tongue make me not obviously doing something shady

fair enough
why did you tell your murder plans to the person you were going to murder

oh right you probably can’t just take the tongue from the person you’re going to kill

((because Hanako was already super overwhelmed by stress of committing actual murder that she just broke down and started crying in Marl’s room after his speech:tm: