DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

((if we get the third trial right, this will be the first time ever we lose nothing for letting the blackened live
((that should be a fun time

((But getting all trials right would be pog)


((wow then it could be like an actual DR game

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i’m still hoping that we don’t just give blackeneds free wins in the final trials?

getting all trials right also means we have the most people alive for MM trial

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i might be too generous with these social clears tho :joy_cat:)

if people were competent on this site we could play it like normal DR anyway but it’d have to be much shorter phases

(Oh right social reads :dizzy_face: )

not really since we can just vote the dead person

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because when we look at DR3

There were 4 people alive for final trial, and one of them was the Mastermind

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More people to discuss with and bounce ideas off of

“Okay so the document whos into politics here?”


no i mean
there is no reduction in player count if we vote the dead person or the blackened
it’s only affected by whether we vote an alive non-blackened

that’s because dr3 was
double murder + blackened
murder + blackened
double murder + misexe
murder + blackened + misexe

there were a lot of chapters where 3 people died

@DatBird you’re a legend but i hate you for this trial
(not really)

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am i on da list

(@datbird im sad u never told me about ur schemes i deffo woulda helped you :sob:

also haha ping datbird)

((you should be, seeing that you’re lorecleared

