DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

(does anybody want to hear my murder plan)


(my murder plan is to kill trochi then openwolf and get away with it because haha trochi)



((also there might be a potential hole with arctic’s rituals, but I have no clue what shows on arctic’s plane for my ult and whether it’s suggestive enough

haha trochi


The perfect crime

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i find it extremely unlikely we would have determined what your ultimate really did from the details on the paper plane

((alas, it was not to be
((because marl’s body would have been discovered after datbirds, and I would be inevitably searched for the scalpel after any deadly life trial
((so it had to be ch2 or never
((can’t complain really, ig

(im curious what my ultimate would come up as on the paper airplane

but i used it ch1 so we’ll never know)

so my plan was to flaunt my inventory full of weapons in increasingly annoying ways so nobody would think i’d actually murder and was just fuckin with people
and yes min i knew it was acid before i fed it to you sorry min
that’s why i wanted to go to the library, to create a murder plan without the use of weapons since the use of mine would incriminate immediately
aka setting a trap
i wanted to fuck with the ladders in the library by disconnecting them somehow so when people climbed up them they’d fall off and die
i was going to be okay getting down from the ladder since i could just heal myself

this concludes trochis grand murder plan


(fuck you)

would that really kill someone though

(lol at these people with elaborate murder plans in attempts to spew themselves non-MM when i don’t care enough to share my plans, if they exist)

imagine having a murder plan

(yes yes it would the ladders are tall)

(your plan is shit fuck you)

((I’m only sharing my plans because it’s entirely impossible now that my ult is outed
((and me and trochi are lorecleared anyways

(when did either of those loreclears happen even though you’re both blatantly not MM)

(i wasn’t going to share that but then jane said yes and i was like)

(the map? i think?)