DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

(i don’t know ):< )

Party will be after night start.

I will distribute flyers about it all over the university later.
Still got one more thing to arrange first.

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For who would rob a Hermit of his Weeds,
His few Books, or his Beads, or Maple Dish,
Or do his gray hairs any violence?
But beauty like the fair Hesperian Tree
Laden with blooming gold, had need the guard
Of dragon watch with uninchanted eye,
To save her blossoms, and defend her fruit
From the rash hand of bold Incontinence.


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“Well…I’ll be at the (castle) library for a bit.”

//time to goo

boop boop let’s get it

Please note that action processing may be slow due to the (previously mentioned) issue that the forums sometimes just… refuse to let me PM people directly.


If you tried to move to the tower and didn’t get added please bump it


You can begin to hear a thunderous wave coming from the Forest.

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((have left



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When you move rooms, make sure to remove yourself from the previous room. This makes my life significantly easier!!!

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@Tangeld has replaced in for @Mistyx. Please add Tan to every whisper Mist was in!


Hello all my favorite people! It seems that the dragon has unfortunately ceased to exist. Have fun with whatever it was guarding! I’m sure it won’t KILL YA


Once again the king
gathered his strength and drew a stabbing knife
he carried on his belt, sharpened for battle.
He stuck it deep into the dragon’s flank.
Beowulf dealt it a deadly wound.
They had killed the enemy, courage quelled his life;
that pair of kinsmen, partners in nobility,
had destroyed the foe. So every man should act,
be at hand when needed; but now, for the king,
this would be the last of his many labours
and triumphs in the world.


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“Attention all participants of the Ultimate Hunt! A body has been discovered! Please make your way to the Malefic Library to begin the investigation.”

“Due to the unique geometry of the caverns, for the duration of Deadly Life, any player in the caverns beneath the castle may say “Fates, take me to the library” to instantly be transported to the Malefic Library.”

Daily Life ends. Deadly life begins.


Night started 55 minutes ago

I’ll be taking a break from hosting this game until the hour ends; action processing may be delayed during this time.

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Host cannot process actions for now

nerd host is processing actions