DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

The first room I entered was the Animal Lab.

The Core has way more than two doors.

didn’t TL drop his antidepressants there?
so he could pick up poison? lol

what was the actual room like

Why does this matter?

it doesn’t really i’m just curious

No, there are two?

When I went in there to get to the Tower of the Broken God, there were:

5 different doors going to the Library
A door going to the Animal Lab
A door leading to itself, through which I could see myself
And a door to The Tomb

I don’t remember what my entrance was stated as, but I basically entered through the left passageway, then got sucked into outer fucking space into a mirror dimension into a bubble or something

Apparently I… “walked through the floor”.

//incredibly confused

Oh yeah, true.

In core there are as many doors as there have to be.

That makes sense.

Yeah, walking through the floor in library means you entered from the Tomb.

Either way, I’m going by equation that Trochi only answered NeG and instantly drunk potion and died.

Considering that they didn’t really walk around, it means they got it from tower/ main thomb or earlier.

Can someone confirm Trochi’s pathing insdie the thomb?

we should all just be saying the last time we recall seeing trochi tbh

Chapter 1 here :^)

the last time i “saw” trochi was ages ago in the tower of the broken god

but i saw that he had been in the tower when the dragon got slain and also he had been in the tomb

he went left i’m pretty sure

Now the question is at what time did they go left.

Is it consistent with death time?

@eevee what were the results when you checked min and TL’s handwriting
didn’t it say different things?

Neither of them wrote it.

If you don’t think we’re going to fail this trial, then who do you think it is/how do you plan to figure it out?