DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

(my ult turns me into a furry)

Well according to my ult

I can

Unless I’m dumb


i can tell you for a fact it isn’t just a “lol delete everything in the room and make it completely untraceable” button

I mean, I remember earlier talking that ink came from previous chapters, so like… I was thinking about trap being set up earlier again.

Tha not really what it is? It involves my wine cellar

why do you think I’ve said I wouldn’t kill here and if I did kill you wouldn’t even find the body to make a bda anyway

(Then you can’t win with it)

lmao what
so you can just kill someone and delete the body
without progressing the game in any way

Either way - Since ink was in previous chapter… who did we frisk last trial And/or checked theirs room

lmao I don’t know

I still haven’t felt like killing this game anyway regardless of how much I understand/don’t understand my ult so lol

Let alone figure out how to make a trap

this kill really wasn’t that complicated
and now i’m doing a big think

because in chapter 1 everyone was like it can’t be derps because this was too complicated
but really all he did was 2 basic rituals and a stabby stab

this time, it’s even simpler

Its hard to come up with complicated murder tbh

I mean
if you rig an explosive to the knife handle that blows up when someone grabs it I’d say you were the killer

I’m saying I’d rather not be overestimated and told I killed pkr when it would not only make no sense for me to but there’s no evidence pointing towards me

//but lolpoe

May I say its tilting that Marl each trial tries to blame me?

Even if there is alibi against it being me, they still say Im top suspect, lol.

there is no overestimation here
it was a simple kill, and you could have done it
i don’t think you did but god are you handling this terribly

in practical terms there’s just as much evidence pointing to you as there is to TL

I actually think Marl is 3rd party with task to see me die now.
