DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

oh yeah there is

i said before i would kill if we failed the chapter 2 trial
but other than that it’d be very unlikely

“Never said I was and on that point I will still state am most likely not. But we live here and need to accept that fact.”

it would be triggered by being a failure
which realistically i have already been but we’re still winning so

Guys, you were meant to fill me on lore using rest of this trial time.

So like… fill me please?

yeah i will later
kinda busy atm

(Sorry you guys can go find the lore I hide later it’s where I spent most of my time)

@TrustworthyLiberal who is mm

(I could tell you or I could leave the answer in my book am taking with me.)

I… actually have read your booke to comvare writing, now that I think about it.

you know we can take that off your body from the tomb lol


idk how much it matters

although i’d feel a bit sad for hosts if good lore just never got seen by anyone but you

but i also think you hiding it is interesting for the game

so :joy_cat:)

i know where the lore is anyway

why did you tell them, lmao

(Any lore i found is hidden.
It’s just convently in this book as well)

Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaarl, lets coooooperate, since we both know we are not MMs.

(ill get the book first and hide it

wildcards pact)


tl said he put it in the place she spent most of her time
so the research roof

I mean game integrity shit.

As in Jane was closest trial so far, so like I know you are not MM by this breach.

Also, Im medicorly annoyed that other 2 non-MM leans from Jane voting just died, lmao.