DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

i mean
surely by chance the simulation will just end anyway unless there’s something that keeps making us pick the wrong person

(It’s me open wolfing every test :flushed:)

of course it is

and happy birthday by the way

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I do seriously think that 2 mistrials losing us the game is unlikely enough that having 2 MM suspects commit a double murder is a good idea

but if people think it’s too lame then I guess that’s fine

the solution that isn’t lame is to just strongly encourage a MM suspect to do a murder and try to win normally

(i mean that’s still kinda lame

meanwhile, [redacted])

i don’t see how it’s lame

the game plays out normally and the MM suspect doesn’t have to worry about being ML’ed in the final trial

if we’re gonna do that might as well just do the double kill thing

pretty easy to set up so they can’t say they just failed their rolls

there’s a bit of a difference between us encouraging a suspect to do a kill to clear themselves and also give them a chance of winning
compared to forcing them to kill someone in plain sight

and also, who the hell are they going to kill
no one is going to consent to this

i’m pretty sure we only have ~1 tree now

I mean why wouldn’t they?

They get to clear themselves and win the game

(hes asking who would consent to die i think lol)

“I personally think it’s cute how you think that outing the Mastermind is going to bring your dead friends back to life.”

yeah i’m talking about the people literally getting murdered lmao

if we had the thing in DR4 that literally made you impossible to kill (which for this exact reason is why it should not exist) then yeah

also for what it’s worth, if you actually tried finding MM by doing that i would have just sent out a motive that makes the next kill attempt have a 100% chance of succeeding

but i don’t think the MM makes the motives in this game

oh yeah well they lose against their will

ok but
how do you decide that
how do you plan this
restrain them?

I mean you just get them to charge up AP overnight (killers)

and then I have weapons with omega-boosts to murder rolls so you have them roll for murder a minimum of 6 times after fully charging AP

like the victims don’t need to consent

how are you going to decide the victims