DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

well yes several times

he’s been claiming private investigator this entire game which is why i was onto him because:

  1. that ultimate never exists with a detective existing
  2. he knows all of our star signs
  3. he’s shown no investigative abilities for a private investigator

Ok someone needs to do some explaining here.

and also the fake class roster listed him as conspiracy theorist, which i now realise makes a lot of sense for an astrologer

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Does Astrologer sound like something MM would have?

i mean it depends how the game was made

it could be a situation where classcards and MM card is randed separately, or it could be that MM card will always rand with a specific talent

(i think this line of thought “light lied, thats kinda sus” is… kind of silly, tbh.

light lied, sure

why does it matter

this isn’t a game of mafia, it’s not town vs scum – we’re effectively all survivors with a few exceptions (wildcards are a bit more complex, and there is the MM)

but… it’s not like, unreasonable for participants to lie for one reason or another

i think this is the only really valid concern with it, though

since the lies directly made him more appealing to kill

and claiming to have investigative abilities and not having them makes him… more suspicious

which works both ways, imo.

but thats aside the case cause i’m not really writing this to debate that – light basically told me he was lying about most of this quite a bit ago

he made it pretty obvious his tarot cards were important to him and claimed something else that, again, made it super obvious he wasn’t a detective or anything

hes claimed most of his abilities to me is what im saying



(also im biased because im katze and have literally lied about just about everything i can lie about, have been doing so all game, and think that there’s nothing wrong with it

because at the end of the day i could kill someone next chapter and be completely unaligned to any of you (except technically the MM i guess but thats not the point)

i don’t need to work with any of you rn :joy_cat:)

(what if im lying to defend light :flushed:)

this same line of reasoning could be used to explain why some people don’t care about solving trials if they just want to murder

the reason why it doesn’t work is because someone can kill before you and then if you fail that trial after several others (because you did nothing) then you will still lose

i don’t think it necessarily makes him more likely to be MM, i’m just questioning what was the point of lying about being an investigative class

(yes but i don’t think this is completely relevant to this specific argument, since that’s not what hes being scrutinized for)

(my best guess is it makes RTs more believable, other than that idk, i already said thats prob the only valid point ive seen brought up)

funny because this had the exact opposite effect since i knew he was lying about everything :joy_cat:

but anyway i sleep
i should have gone to sleep 2 hours ago what am i doing

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i suppose claiming cop to a cop isnt very effective

but its also a closed setup so maybe theres two cops :joy_cat:)

to be fair
private investigator is not exactly detective, they’re usually for, well, private affairs

that’s why i found it hilarious to claim public investigator because it’s exactly what i am

(oh, also, “does it sound like an MM talent” is not something im going to consider like, a single bit this game

partially because of the hosts partially because it wouldn’t surprise me if MM talent was randed and card(s) was just slightly altered if necessray


time to commit alcohol glgl)

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It’s probably dumb to think that the MM would have any particular talent because it’s probably random.
I was thinking of an ability that would hide the MM having TMI on everyone.

I’m back from pokemon making me want to die

Oh, why I lied about my talent? That’s quite simple, although I didn’t know that it would all get outed Ch. 5 anyway

I was looking for signs of TMI. I used the information I actually got from my role and warped it around a little bit, which is the main reason I can clear Wazza due to their reaction of me using my “lie detector” on them.

its also a reason i can clear tro