DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

i’m not clearing you for hosting quantum mafia
if anything that makes you more sus because it was a trainwreck :^)

also that’s a lesson for you in the future to put the game name in your rolecards

Rolecard - Marluxion
makes it way more prone to accidents!

arctic can be mm too since in the previous loop we saw he was a victim not a killer
but it seems unlikely

Possible? Yes
Probability? Very low.

Wouldn’t MM want another mistrial in ch4? Arctic single handedly outed TL as the killer.
That doesn’t make sense.

bus strats

Also Arctic interrogating TL looks more like a participant with no TMI on the blackened than a MM with TMI on the blackened.
It’s a vibe read, yet it’s there.


I am here for

A bit

Go through Arctic’s ISO in ch4 Deadly Life and see if you get the same opinion that I have.
Arctic really doesn’t look they have TMI on TL being blackened.

Hey min how are you?

“Single handedly” is a bit of an oversell there, mate. That being said, I do agree with the belief that people who put in work on investigating this chapter are <rand MM, because we pretty quickly built a completely wrong PoE based solely on who was together at the time of death, and MM wouldn’t have been terribly interested in breaking that mindset because that would have been an easy second mistrial.

That’s why I’m clearing Arctic as not MM because 1. He found TL as the blackened and 2. He doesn’t look like he had TMI on TL here.
Though I must say having only 3 people to sort out maybe is better than 8.

Wait I think I’m out of the loop here. What is Alicia on about regarding an integrity breach that supposedly clears them as MM?

I’m good, You?

Yeah I’m good.
I’m using this intermission to reduce the MM PoE based on information we know so far.

IIRC the breach in question is actually a hardclear on Alison as MM; Alicia is taking the fact that it happened in a message with her (I think Alison cast a trial vote in a whisper thread they had by mistake? Don’t quote me on that) to claim that it hardclears her as well, which is false, but I don’t think maliciously so.

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Yes, i accidentally cast a vote for jane during jane’s trial in my quantum mafia rolecard

the message was exactly **/vote Jane**

it doesn’t clear eevee even remotely