DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

ask her if i’m lying
they will tell you i’m not

I want. Small joycat


Is it because of mobile

Well, I am not lying too.

Where does it leave us

Oh no it isn’t nvm

Why is the Joy not being little

emotes can’t be little, we dont allow underage emotes onto this site

(it works if you have text next to it for some reason, i think there’s another way to make it work but idr on the top of my head :joy_cat:

also im going to bed because this is frustrating and i’m tired/irritable as is already bye)

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wtf why did you allow a minor into this thread

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I want your answer.

:joy_cat: baby joykitty

the answer is
luna probably told me immediately they wouldn’t take action and then deliberated replacing you after the fact

(:joy_cat: don’t talk to me :joy_cat: or my son :joy_cat: or my sons son ever again)



i’m assuming this is because you made a big deal of it
after they had already decided not to take action

alternatively you’re lying for the world’s sleaziest fake clear

This kinda makes sense, considering it would solve the problem.

Thanks for putting me on risk, I guess?

theres an even smaller joykitty

o :joy:

how did you. make it that small