DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]


2 people said that they saw me being in my room locked for prety much whole time that armors were out, so I couldnt have access to one…

And you say it is scummy?


also i expected you to kill because i never see you around interacting with people in daily life

plus i didn’t peg you as the kind of person to enjoy these rp-ey moments so i figured you’d try to kill and win early if you aren’t mm

i haven’t heard that alibi yet
this is the first i’m learning about it

What about chapter 3 then?

You said I was the one suspected, despite me being in labs pretty much whole short round, and it being confirmed that poison was NOT chemically created, but found as a bottle.

And that still made you suspect me… how?

also you spent the entire chapter in the chem lab chapter 2

which made me immediately suspect you until i learned the cyanide wasn’t made

my thought processes are extremely transparent and easy to follow lol

Uhm… I was still carrying on my RP meme plan of creating party in middle of murder game, which started in pregame?

Me never meeting you, doesnt mean I didnt interact with anyone.

i didn’t say you never did
i said i had never seen you around

Yeah and they are focused on me.

Which is… awkward.

Especially considering that whole evidence in Cyanide case came from me, cause everyone else was standing still.

the only time i’ve seen you in daily life was when you were afk in the senate records room in chapter 1 when i found the diary

no you’re focused on you lol

i thought jane was mm until i learned they couldn’t be

Yeah, I know.
One with senate guy writing from loving job to going crazy with last page unwriten.

Was a fun riddle tbh.

If you arent focused on me, then again, why did you target me first in chapter 4?

Cause you didnt saw me despite me saying before Im gonna be off for chapter due to traveling abroad for buisness trip?

How suspicious.

because i expected you to kill for reasons i said earlier

how was i supposed to know you were on a business trip when i hadn’t seen you all daily life

Thats why I say you are tunneled on me on start of each trial.
Which needs to stop.

Especially that I planned to cooperate with you and other clears.

i dont think both of us survive to the next trial anyway

You know what.
Just read the thread in this game.

Like all the alibis you apparently learn just now, as well as inforamtion about me… were in thread and you missed them all?

Kinda bullshit, unless you literally skip posts.