DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

(id imagine that there was prep being done for most of that trial given its not like they didnt know who we wre voting

maybe this is me coping)

And you get to see me having to function with only a few hours sleep.
Fun times.

on a scale of 1-10
how likely is it that i die this chapter

Chapter Five: The Smouldering Gates Of Erebos will begin at some point in the next hour once I’ve done part of my maths homework.

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(depends on how im feeling, tbh)

oh okay chapter is starting today

you know i wasn’t talking about you specifically
moreso how much does me being the detective make everyone want to kill me even more

and on that note how can i ate out of getting killed
i think me living gives the rest of us a good chance of winning, and it makes the trial actually interesting because you will have to work for your win!

oh i forgot the ate part
well yes you see i have a lot of posts therefore i have put in too much effort to die now

(i mean, the blackened doesn’t really care if the MM is found given they win or lose in CH5, not CH6)

yeah i know, i used my own meta because i would totally try to help participants even if i became a blackened because i’m a piece of shit

combined with the fact that
this mastermind has done nothing and doesn’t deserve to win

although i’m once again biased because i would take a different path to playing the game than the mastermind this game has

(im offended, nobody even suspects me :triumph:

memes aside it… really depends on who the MM is

id say if theyre not in my PoE they’ve done something right :joy_cat:)

for now we should just focus on gathering lore anyway

during chapter 5 intermission is when we can discuss MM socially altogether as a group, because the social part will be pretty much done since the main game is finished at that point

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The map has been updated.

“did the courtyard get hexed? what an idiot.” alyx laughs

“We need to establish a new place to meet… that hopefully won’t get burnt down this time.”

Chapter Five: The Smouldering Gates of Erebos

Swirling above the castle lies a second castle, as wreathed by mist as the rest of the little groundhog-infested snowglobe the 9 remaining Ultimates call home. Destruction beckons at every corner, as always, and as the final chapter in the bloody history of Feybrook #7131.

Peace deafened by the thunderous flow of the Acheron. Pain ordained by the insidious flow of the Styx.

48 hours remain until Clotho reveals the next motive.

You may move and act freely. All actions will cost AP from now on, so use them wisely! It is daytime, and will be for 11 hours and 10 minutes.


(shorter day kinda cringe tbh)

wasn’t it 7131

(haha lets laugh at ici making typoes like a human being)

new library is the place to meet people