DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

(katze gone)

kat and Tan leave

So where to? The castle now right?

nndkfkf okay okay

At least I’m not that late

“Oh, right. If you want to actually get to the inverted castle, just enter the Teleportation Vortex in the courtyard.”


Why am I reminded of Alice in Wonderland?

No reason to delay looking for lore clears. Lets go.

This random insta start is cringe, ngl.

Only kat and Tan left, so like… @CRichard564 wanntgo somewhere together?

(Oh no, other people left as well

We should’ve said that

Wait, Im alone here?


And there goes me waiting for people again.


host is getting dinner

action processing is paused until they get back (or bully Geyde to do it)

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host is back

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bullying geyde is illegal
unless you want to be a criminal
don’t bully geyde

It’s nighttime as of seven minutes ago

A blizzard rages outside

Moving between different buildings now costs 5 AP rather than the normal amount


Good morning, everyone! Not in-game, of course, there it’s a depressing night covered entirely with snow, but out-of-game I’m awakened.

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It is day. The snow recedes to a more manageable level. It now costs only 2 AP to make movements that pass through an outisde area.