DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

(i locked my vote on arctic immediately :triumph:)

not really for the most part, but if we found nothing else and eevee didn’t explain it then i probably would have ended up dying still

I see… That’s fair, I suppose.

you aren’t being very nice to the person with a doublevote and 100 intelligence

(i mean i dont believe u have a doublevote
but i also know that you want to win enough to not just vote me out of spite :^) )

i do have a doublevote

what do you think i had when i said i had already claimed my ultimate

(i didnt really care, so

bet you cant guess my real ultimate)

i’ve given up trying and it gives me a headache to think about


i could probably just come entirely clean now

not muuuuch reason to keep being stupid about it)

Whos in the poe?

We should talk about this and not die

(eh, ill do that next chapter
mostly cause it’ll piss people off
both the truth and the fact i’m waiting to say it :joy_cat:)

it’s you
you’re the poe
you slit his neck with your wheelchair


I mentioned it earlier in the thread.
I can quote it if you want it.


Please do (or reply to it)

to clarify
you were still in the wheelchair
you just did a sick-ass fucking wheelie and hit him with the knife in your hidden compartment


you won’t get a next chapter

(im very scared now :pensive:)