DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

I was gonna Kill the shit out of pat
I was sad when he never attacked)

I would’ve killed you as revenge for Pat

That would deserve it

(Sad you didn’t try
I would have probably been able to do something funny)

(The fact I went this entire game without being (successfully) kill attempted once despite the fact I’ve been me is kind of absurd, actually
The biggest danger to me has been myself and vodka
And my own kunai :joy_cat: )

because you’ve been willaging every trial, even if that wasn’t your intention

why would people kill you when you’ve consistently provided doubt about the correct consensus

(if people were targeted specifically for their trial play then why are you alive)

(people are >rand to just kill someone who they think they can get away with killing, and might avoid certain people
i really doubt i was avoided for “doubting consensus”, lol
maybe for my irresistible charm
but randing the hardest to kill ultimate just to not get kill attempted is sad
anyway, moving on)

well yeah, i don’t think anyone has made any targeted kills

…but your point was that you’re surprised no one had targeted you:

because i am keeping this game alive!
and i’m clearly the protagonist

actually nevermind i feel like if i state specific concerns im just going to get memed on again and ive already said most of 'em
so ill instead say that i think people have surprisingly narrow PoEs for a kill in which we found… basically nothing on

so am i >:(

you forgot the keyword here being correct consensus
but yeah no kills were targeted really, unless you class jane’s kill as targeted to trochi

i mean consensus has been generally correct on every trial except when the consensus PoE was “people who werent in groups together” at first for TLs kill

in which case im pretty sure i was one of the first people to say that i thought all of those people were innocent excluding the people falsely in that poe

but the fact consensus has been generally correct is part of why im not really fighting harder on the fact that we’re just defaulting to light

was mainly talking about the trials
because we were very wrong about a lot of things early in deadly life

you also said you didn’t think it was TL in the new poe

i choose to label this as giving him false hope before listening to ace attorney music for 20 minutes


i choose to label it as a fake read to progress gamestate

which might actually not be 100% false but i dont remember

with that in mind

light isnt the blackened


you may now lockvote light


ok so
the mechanical poe is everyone except me… and min

i forgot to tell you all about this but eevee came to me with the cosmic egg and told me everything it could do, and asked me whether we should murder with it or try to break the game

obviously i knew it wouldn’t destroy the game but i didn’t really feel like murdering so :joy_cat:
but it still seemed pretty genuine, and he had a multitude of other resources available to him to do this kill

so i highly doubt it’s him
plus it’s incredibly risky for the blackened to just go “lol i’m not doing anything in this investigation gl”

How are you cleared?

Easiest test of my life
what’s up nerds

if you heard the kill 9 minutes before we found the dead body, and i was with you at the time of the murder, it can’t be me

unless you think i killed marl, dragged his body to the beyblade room, decapitated him, teleported to his dorm, dumped the hospital gown, cleaned the weapon, carried out the heart ritual and then met you right back at the place of murder all within 10 minutes?