DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

Hey, me too now! I should maybe take the ring off…

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Imagine killing in the reverse library when people are regularly going in there LUL

I was in the reverse library looking for kat because he told me to meet him there so he could help me kill someone :roll_eyes:

I don’t think it has anything to do with wanton bloodlust ^-^

i wonder if that ring has any other effects than desire to murder

and i guess i can confirm i told light that the library was a decent place to find me, or people

that was also 6 days ago though

has crich possessed you

I mean
I went there not too long after you said it
but only App was in there and I didn’t really feel like asking him where you were

That’s what I’m trying to find out, given that murdering people isn’t really a thing anymore and that this ring was the one noteworthy thing about getting hexed into jumping out of the library window that wasn’t… getting hexed into jumping out of the library window.

it makes you want to murder people and eventually it restricts your movement unless specifically done with the intention of murder

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that’s a pretty neato ring
but… it doesn’t have any protections against you legit just taking it off?

the way arctic mentioned it made it sound more recent ok

oh she can keep the ring then

no it’s not
i told you what it does

you said you’re wearing this ring to convince me you’re not the mastermind but this means nothing and is obviously not going to work

oh i mean i went there multiple times
the last time i missed you by about an hour

I said that was a bonus of wearing it. I also specifically told you that I wanted to see if it does something else now that murders aren’t possible.

he was literally with me when the piss happened
said he’s going to murder someone
then marl dead

I think my exact phrasing was “Well, I sure hope nobody kills me. Anyway, off to commit murder.”


i was with app when we got pissed on

or he came in shortly after

then i went to my dorm after killing marl

i literally know exactly what it does
do you not trust my forks?


I can confirm both min and katze were in their dorms at the time of the murder