DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]


i was gonna say he probably found TL’s drone or some shit but no

I still don’t think it’s Light :^)

It would be too much mood.

the moodometer is probably exactly NAI

And why noone is asking why CRichard was anxious about the upcoming trial :^)

Well s***. I would never have guessed.

Given that the mood reader literally just functions by the subject reporting their own results, it’s worth exactly zero as a clear.

It’s still a good meme tho.

Probably because everyone has decided socially I’m not the blackened?
Beats the heck out of me.

It was worth something when noone knew how it worked tbh.

If only Pat were here to lead us to victory

That… wouldn’t make you anxious about the trial, though?

Don’t worry guys, I got MOAR weird messuring devices.

i wish i answered the mood the way i initially wanted to but i don’t think the hosts would have appreciated it

so this is the first trial where not a single person is cleared from the murder

aren’t we supposed to be making progress

Also, did we ever figure out where the imp came from or am I just dumb and missed when someone said that?

my box

Katze? min? me?

That was because I thought my alibi was unconfirmable and therefore would make me a suspect in this trial. Which is what happened for the second chapter in a row.
The only way I could prove I’m not blackened is to solve the trial and find the blackened.

Oh right, the boxes. I forgot about those damn things.