DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

not bothering

Which is why I cleared Alyx as the blackened, as that admission doesn’t help the blackened by helping to close the PoE.

Yes I was. Alyx can confirm they saw me in the tower.

Is it a moment when I say that aninometer showed 5 on CRichard? :^)

Yeah well those instruments mean jack s*** when it’s pretty obvious I’m socially not the blackened.

I don’t think this instruments are lying tbh.

They are meme, sure.

But they still show true values.

did anyone come into the tower after the time of death

And tbh thanks to them we know that murder took place in different chamber than we orginally thought about.

Ok so anyway we seem to have decided it’s just Arthur at this point haven’t we?

If Light were not the blackened, why aren’t they screaming blue murder that they’re innocent and trying to find the real blackened to avoid being misexecuted?

i mean, to be honest, it was obvious to anyone who checked

admittedly i could have been louder about this before

its actually a bit weird that neither arctic or apprentice pointed that out iirc?

because both of them should have known marl was in the main chamber

maybe not arctic but definitely app

… if it was obvious, why noone investigated actual murder place.

And on my investigation I was NOT told about blood trail.
Altho I checked wounds and body itself, not area around.

there’s literally a giant trail of blood leading from main chamber to the room ye

Noone, literally noone said anything about it.
I came up with it using mathematics and messuring devices.

Anyway I hope none of you are thinking of voting me because of some instrument measurements, which don’t establish guilt here.

I don’t think anyone did.

Yeah, I really wish someone would’ve brought this up.
Like me bringing it up. Twice.

And was I not cleared in the last chapter because my slot treed?