DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

i mean hes liked basically every post of mine accusing him of openwolfing to the point where i actually believe it when i didn’t before and was just pushing buttons

Arthur is double blackened openwolfing to get partner killed


Let’s use remaining time to talk about Dg as a game.

Which is technically… a terrible game.

I’d really just prefer it if you guys locked your votes because this is kinda boring

Also, I had to do this.

“I see I can’t tell if I’m memeing or if I legitimately still don’t understand” -Arthur Townsend, no idea what year it is because loltimeloops

can you explain why you refuse to explain anything :joy_cat:

Once you guys lock your votes, sure.

If Arthur is Jester I vote myself as MM. Harper 6

We all locked now explainer

I’m waiting for the trial to end.

And… no. Jester as a role would be absolute bullshit stupidity.

Trial has ended! Tallying votes now. You may speak

light v

Light tried to betray his accomplice but ended up as double blackened anyway

i was the accomplice :slight_smile:

Marl was the accomplice :^)

I agree, Ici wouldn’t put jester.

Like I know that’s angleshooting sentence, but let’s be honest, we all know Ici would not put randomly some meme bad roles into a game.

i hear ici is a big fan of ToL fool

I still think DG as a game should be heavilly redesigned.

Think about it for a moment.

Map gets bigger as game progresses.
Yet playerbase is smaller.

Meaning it’s way way way easier to be undetected in late kills.
But also way harder to actually find someone on the map.

And in late game people usually have alliances and trust others, so they stay together or tell others where they went.

Game from design PoV is terrible.
And if not a lot of Lore and RP keeping it together… it would pretty much go inactive.

What’s more… usually it’s people who are active who kill.
Cause obviously if oyu are inactive, you will have less resources to do so.

Which means game in itself is removing most active people mechanicwise.

Like… let’s be honest DG is bad game when it comes to design.

People like the theme it has, that much for sure.
Most of people here saw/plaied DG and liked it.

But without this theme (or in some cases even with it), I don’t think this game can stay at high enough activity at late game for it to be considered good design.