DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

DG works good due to theme and roleplay.
But designwise it’s just terrible.

And it would be good to find a way to actually improve it in future.

@Aelin :frowning:

Fun fact: I poked my head into your room and saw you in your wheelchair and decided not to kill you

Light y u openwolf

killing min would have been based

I like that noone comments on the game being weirdly designed mechanicly :^)

VLDR is Dangan with the imperfections removed

i think it’s somewhat rude to do it while the setup is ongoing so im choosing to keep that to myself

I’m sorry :frowning:

You should’ve killed me

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Now I’m kinda sad

im sad

once this trial ends ill have no real reason to lie about anything

it probably won’t stop me though

Geez stop being so down on yourself 4Head.


I mean, I’m not talking about this setup, rather the design of DG games in general.

also im extra sad because i was going to go into this trial with a bunch of vodka and get drunk as hell

and i forgot the vodka

Do you have enough vodka for everyone after this trial?

theres literally infinite vodka in a safe

or “finitely restocking vodka” but it’s still a number a fair bit bigger than 20

Oh interesting.
I doubt being drunk will help us PoE the MM during the intermission.
Could be just me though.

A bit less than 21 hours remain in the class trial.

I wanted to post this after the trial ended, but I actually have no idea if I’ll be awake or present when that occurs anymore so I’ll just post it now.


Okay. So, first, I’d like to issue an apology to the hosts. I know this was gamethrowing, and I accept whatever penalty you want to issue on me for it, but I don’t regret doing this, although I was definitely getting annoyed at points. This was the best way to revitalize the game for the mastermind trial, and I’m fine with losing for that. The reason I killed Marl was because he was a tree and confirmed to not be MM, and therefore the best person to die (as the other mm clears were either dead or active). I would like to restate that this was not me spitting on the game and all of the hard work the hosts put into it, and I don’t want it to be taken as such. This game was wonderful, and the reason I’m doing this, like I said, is because I felt it the best way to make sure this game could remain fun for a majority of the players remaining.

Second, the sword I used to kill Marl is in the locker in the Senate Records Room. I didn’t bring it with me because I didn’t want it to get messed up alongside my body. There is a note on it with lore that I couldn’t read due to the motive. You guys might want to check it out, at the very least.

Lastly… I openwolfed for multiple hours during this trial. Hell, the entire thing was really an openwolf. I never intended to win here. And your guys’ egos were still nearly unmanageable. Like, I understand I’m really in no place to complain about this, but… holy shit. I did literally everything short of saying outright I was the Blackened, and you guys still thought I was ‘slipping’ or, for Eevee, that I was innocent. Please learn to work with each other. Please learn how to get your ego under control, not just in this game, but in all games. It definitely made some of you actively “not-fun” to be around.

Work together, you dolts. And, once again, I sincerely apologize to the hosts for not playing as intended.