DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

Also didn’t Alicia say they have an ability that can detect voting disparities or something?
I seem to remember they could use it to help detect the MM by voting.
Now if we go with that, then the MM voting in Ch3 would rule out Matilda because they died.
If the MM also voted in Ch4, then it isn’t Wilfred as well.

As I said before, I have some kind of condition that makes me severely tired.
Which I don’t remember what it is.

I guess that’s possible.

Well I see everyone is a tree as of now.
Might as well read the books I have in my possession if I have no one to talk to right now.

Ok so my PoE after I account for blackened/lore clears is:

Harleck (ArcticXI)
Alyx (Katze)
Sophie (Tangeld)
Geoff (min)
Dennis (Apprentice)
Matilda (Trochilidae)
Wilfred (Amelia ->PKR)

I should sort this out based on who is alive/deceased.

Harleck (ArcticXI)
Alyx (Katze)
Sophie (Tangeld)
Geoff (min)
Dennis (Apprentice)

Matilda (Trochilidae)
Wilfred (Amelia ->PKR)

So eevee, TL and Marl are all confirmed not MM and were voting on Jane Ch3.
Which makes me feel better about Amelia → PKR as probably rand not MM.
Also MM being alive and voting CH3 means Trochi isn’t the MM as well.
Which means the MM PoE has everyone who is alive.

Harleck (ArcticXI)
Alyx (Katze)
Sophie (Tangeld)
Geoff (min)
Dennis (Apprentice)

This is more manageable than 7 that’s for sure.

Hmm the MM PoE has 4 players who voted on Matilda.
If the MM did vote on Matilda then the MM has to be within Harleck, Alyx and Geoff.
Or if the MM didn’t vote on Trochi, then it has to be Sophie, Apprentice.
Though I think that socially Dennis and Sophie are probably rand not MM.
Dennis (Apprentice) outed Josephine (Derps) during the Ch1 class trial, when they could have easily steered for a mistrial as MM.
Sophie is less likely to be MM from the way they’ve been trying to help the investigation during Ch5.

Edit: Seeing as Arthur N Townsend aka Light is ch5 blackened, then the MM PoE is in Alyx, Geoff and Harleck if the MM did vote on Matilda.

(im still not sure why people keep saying the MM was alive in CH3/CH4 but i also don’t really care yet since i expect the MM PoE to shrink a decent amount during chapter 6)

I’m pretty sure it’s because Alicia can check vote weights to help ascertain if the MM was voting during the chapter in question.

And through the powers proclaimed the maw of the earth will open and feast upon the remains of the unenlightened. It is not enough to be in the right. One must understand the great mystery.

I find it unlikely that a living Mastermind was not voting for Matilda in Ch3; given how split we were, the Mastermind’s vote may well have been the difference between a successful execution of Sonja and a mistrial, and that same split nature would have lent itself to enough deniability that the Mastermind could fairly easily have justified their voting for Matilda at the time.
Hell, it’s the reason I spent most of Ch4 thinking that Harleck was >rand MM (he was particularly resistant to voting Sonja), but I re-evaluated that due to his contributions in solving the Ch4 case, because MM very likely wouldn’t have put in the work to break the initial PoE we’d built given that it miscleared Steph and would have led to a second mistrial had we kept it.

(im confused but ill let eevee explain that later i guess

in the meantime, i post :joy_cat:)

Yeah I think Harleck is probably not MM because he could have easily chained 2 mistrials in a row by not outing Stephanie here. In addition the way he interrogating Steph doesn’t look like MM who has TMI on the blackened being Steph during Ch4.

I have a feeling I’m gonna know how this will play out and 100% I’m gonna be pissed

Now sleep time

(ok minstermind :triumph:)

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I wouldn’t be surprised if that were the case now you mention it.
Imagine if we can box in the MM because of Ch3 votes.
That would be pog.

i’m quite doubtful of the extent of eevee’s voting thing and still wouldn’t be surprised if it didn’t even exist :joy_cat: