DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

…Oh yeah, gonna have to apologize to him for that when we get out of here.

ok i looked back and wazza didn’t actually kill someone, it was just attempted

Even a proven attempted murder is good enough to lore clear Wazza.

(no, it’s not, but we have a hard clear on Wazza anyway, so it doesn’t matter)

The attempted murder apparently was still fakeable; see iteration 2003. The indisputable clear is 563 and the knowledge from Hall of Failures.

can someone explain the 563 one again please

I’ve been thinking min is less likely to be MM than Matilda here, as they’ve been trying to help solve puzzles albeit not very well.
That’s why I’m thinking it’s just Trochi.

The mastermind died 1st in test 563 and the participants mistakenly believed that their death would end the loops.

alyx lets out a deep breath

“Let me explain why we can say for certainty that Alex Bracknell is not our traitor.”

"You see, when we were viewing the flash cards brought out to us by Dennis – one loop stuck out to us, loop 563. In this loop, the Mastermind was miscleared for being the first to die. Sophie, the genius that she is, decided to view the case books for every trial in the 563rd loop, and while the body of the Mastermind was unidentifiable, the bodies of myself, Alison, Alicia, Sonja, and Alex were all identifiable. "

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:kissing_heart: :flushed:

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…the most +ev thing for MM to do is to look like they’re solving without actually doing anything

alyx smiles at sophie, then continues

“…since we’re on the topic of the cards, I suppose we should explain why we’re probably correct to clear Wilfred of being our traitor.”

“In cycle 1314, the Mastermind was incorrectly cleared for lying under the effects of the Sun Elixir – which Sophie still has on her – and we’ve only found that elixir in the Reverse Castle. In the same cycle, Wilfred was the first to be murdered, followed by Matilda and Dennis.”

“At first, we thought this was too good to be true, especially when the second death of the 118th cycle was shown to be in that castle, which proved that the consistency of the appearance of that castle was, well, hard to determine.”

Well, okay, I didn’t realize that detail until after Monoluna had told us that the castle could appear at any time, but that’s aside the point.

“While we were talking to Timoleon… Monkeuma, of all people, asked him about his favorite cycle, to which he answered cycle 1314 – due to the progress made on becoming the Ultimate Mage – but he specifically noted that the Reverse Castle opened after the first trial.”

“So… unless there was a way to get the Sun Elixir prior to then in that cycle, then Wilfred would be cleared as well. Admittedly, this is hard to say with 100% accuracy, but…”

alyx shrugs

“We can’t really determine if this is the case… though we may just want to take what we’ve been given.”

“…that’s about where I’m at with that, yeah.”

(i kind of want to wait for eevee to show up before i drink my potion but idk if/when thatll happen :joy_cat:)

“Anyway, every time I’ve tried to mention this, I don’t think I ever got an answer. Alex was murdered in loop 4, before the Knot became a living Hell. That means one of us really is just… a murderer for the sake of it rather than to escape the game. I feel like we could have found out who this was if we looked harder. Though, I wonder if the Mastermind was able to kill before loop 5?”

honestly i don’t know what the implications of this are but it certainly means… something

she was stabbed in the back of the neck with a needle (loltrochi) if this means anything

(GNS went wrong :pensive:)

One of the notes Dennis found was talking about why the mastermind wasn’t caught in run 19 and it was because the photo in question was from run 5, when the MM was able to kill.