DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

you mean MM was able to become blackened via becoming an accomplice

Oh they still were unable to kill directly in run 5? That’s interesting.

“…no, she’s actually correct, Harleck.”


“I suppose it might have been a good idea to bring the diary with me to this trial, but I can probably just remember the photo with my potion anyway – not sure if it’s the same one but if I recall it was determined to be taken on the fifth cycle?”

(actually no its definitely a different photo but i’m probably gonna remember it anyway just in case)

did we figure out wtf the thing with TL was about

“…at the Ritual Room?”

what do you think

“…you know, there’s a lot of unanswered questions about her – that being one of them.”

alyx shrugs

hi I’m sorry

I feel like shit today but I am here

I can already take a guess of what the massive dump of thread is

boxed in minstermind

min said in the intermission they knew this was going to happen :joy_cat:
well they said they knew something was going to happen, and i’m guessing this was it

I’m not mm so I’m just gonna try and prove myself to be exactly that

? Knew what was gonna happen

you tell me

Ohh okay

I felt annoyed because everyone else was getting cleared easily while I wasn’t because it’s insanely hard for me to defend myself and have people actively listen to me

Let me just explain how I feel

  1. People are saying I wasn’t very helpful in trials. I completely understand that because I really wasn’t. The problem is, the fact everyone is expecting me to be…obviously unhelpful even im the case I did rand mm is upsetting. I clearly lost my wim throughout the game due to me having trouble finding other people + people closer to me dying.