Hic cursus fuit:
cum subito adsurgens fluctu nimbosus Orion
in vada caeca tulit, penitusque procacibus austris
perque undas, superante salo, perque invia saxa
dispulit; huc pauci vestris adnavimus oris.
Quod genus hoc hominum? Quaeve hunc tam barbara morem
permittit patria? Hospitio prohibemur harenae;
bella cient, primaque vetant consistere terra.
Si genus humanum et mortalia temnitis arma
at sperate deos memores fandi atque nefandi.
Thither lay our course . . .
when Orion rising on us through the cloudrack with sudden surf bore us on blind shoals/
And scattered us afar with his boisterous gales and whelming brine over waves and trackless reefs.
To these your coasts we a scanty remnant floated up.
What race of men, what land how barbarous soever, allows such a custom for its own?
We are debarred the shelter of the beach/
They rise in war, and forbid us to set foot on the brink of their land.
If you slight human kinship and mortal arms, yet look for gods/
Unforgetful of innocence and guilt.