DR5 - Mirrored Embers - Chapter Six - Finale [Surviving Participants + Jane win]

i dont rly have much to say

but tan wanted to see it

@Tangeld :flushed:

See, this one’s confusing me a bit, because she keeps referring to her father, yet it’s explicitly stated to have been a stranger that she reanimated in the film.
Anyway, the big thing that I wanted to point out is that she says “You weren’t supposed to go, they were”, which, I’m sorry, but does that sound to anyone else like she had intended the deaths of at least a hundred (that number is explicitly mentioned earlier in the scene, not just pulled out of thin air) people?
(I don’t suppose I can use the general vibe I’ve had for a bit now that necromancy as a magical field doesn’t care about the human cost of its actions, which sounds like it would kinda fit someone who’s enough of a cold utilitarian to disregard the human cost of trapping us all in the Knot.)

(Like, that vibe has been with me for a while now, but I don’t think it holds a huge amount of weight, so I’m trying not to let it be too big of a factor.)

Anyway so that claim Nightingale made about her stats looks like a meme post if I didn’t know any better.

Anyway don’t report me if I get voted out here, you know who should be blamed for this.

I wonder if I’ll get policy voted because I’m well despised around here?

I’m sorry but

The way crich is acting sounds 1000% like a really pissed off participant,

You can disagree with me but I absolutely believe crich wouldnt get this pissed off if he was mm

Hey min if you want to convince people, you’ll need to provide examples here.
Anything to help your case.

I’ll get to that part

But in all honesty, I think saying the exact …same phrase as the masterminds in your movie or whatever

I think that’s already highly damning unless some 500iq plot twist happens when in reality the mastermind is like Matildas long lost stepcousin who heard the saying and it stuck with her ,

like it. Really just is me believing thats? more damning actually?

You see, I’m keeping my vote on trochi too and I’ll just be find taking the pelt for being wrong only if crich turns out to be the mm so if I’m uberpocketed that’s my problem snd my mistake. I’m just not going to get much into it but not only have I remembered crich getting INCREDIBLY toxic while playing tol and losing as town but I’ve seen the way he would insult people (no offense) for being dumb and losing.

If crich is pulling ate here then. :grinning::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat::joy_cat:

if the mm turns out to be someone who got “lorecleared” gg to you you deserve it

Whoever wants to talk to me can come out now.
Look at min’s case and see if we can talk this out more.

Am I the only one who is talking in the last 10 or so hours before the end of the trial?
So if we’re going to accept that Night’s claim on stats is an obvious meme post, then that means we can check if our case on Trochi is bulletproof or if we’re missing something.

Can someone explain how this isn’t damning for Trochi’s slot here?
I’m waiting for people to come out and say why they think otherwise.

I think the biggest argument against that being a damning thing for Matilda is that N basically said the exact same thing and he obviously isn’t in MM pool, so the idea that that statement is indicative of being MM is weaker in light of that.

I can see that being a valid argument against Trochi being the MM.
Though the suicide attempt if it is as such is still an unsolved mystery if Trochi isn’t the MM.
Also didn’t Arctic point out that Jane’s weapon took 5 minutes to kill Trochi, yet that should have taken less than 5 minutes?

Also we have already established that Night’s stat claim is a meme post right?

Even if it isn’t a meme, lying about your stats isn’t…illegal? Lol

I doubt it’s illegal even if it isn’t a meme, yet it caused me a headache that I’d rather have avoided.
This was so unnecessary and I hope everyone has their brains switched on enough to realise that it was a dumb move and not Wolf AI.

I’m seriously thinking of having words with her post game about why this sort of s*** needs to stop.

I’m still thinking that’s a possible gamethrow attempt on her part.
Anyone want to prove me wrong?